Inheritance and
ODSP Explained

What will happen to my child
when I'm gone?

Adult Guardianship

How to Plan for the Future Care and
Finances of Your Adult Special Needs Child

Henson Trust, Disability Estate Planning,ODSP | Ken Pope Law

Practice Areas

Wills & Henson Trusts

A Henson Trust provides financial security for families with a family member with disabilities or special needs.

Inheritance and ODSP

Our firm has been working with ODSP cases for over 40 years and we're experts in protecting assets and fixed income of people on disability benefits.


Guardianship Applications, Substitute Decision Making packages and Powers of Attorney for Property and Personal Care are commonly required by our clients to effectively care for and manage the affairs of their loved ones.


The probate process for legally administering the deceased’s estate can be complex and overwhelming. We provide clear guidance and support, helping you navigate this difficult time.

Download our free eBooks

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2nd eBook

Interested in a short Courtesy Assessment?

Ken is a Henson Trust specialist, helping provide peace of mind for families with a family member with disabilities or special needs.

The Ken Pope Approach

Personal Assessment

Ken will meet with you, either online or in person, to discuss your situation. During this assessment period, Ken will address any concerns or questions you may have, until you are comfortable to move forward. Fill out our family evaluation form to get started.

Will the Henson Trust be valuable to you and your family

Having this Trust set up for your child will ensure that once you (and your spouse, if applicable) are gone, your child will receive the inheritance and will also continue to receive ODSP payments.

Ongoing Service

Ken will continue to pay close attention to your needs, and re-evaluate your estate planning strategies, should the legislation change and ultimately affect you and your family

Latest News

The Ultimate Guide to the Disability Tax Credit

Have you or your child been denied the Disability Tax Credit (DTC)? Were you discouraged from applying? Or did you try to apply but get lost in the process? If…

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All About Everything – Children with Disabilities

What is the issue? Families with children with disabilities or special needs may not always understand the full range of estate-planning options available to them. What does it mean for…

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Thank you Ken for your services made easy for distant, non computer owners like myself. I was extremly happy with the pleasant, efficient help I received, by telephone, to do a Henson Trust.

M. R. Brampton, ON.


613-KEN-POPE (613-567-9724) Ext. 102 Generose Tomboc
(613) 567-9724
Kenneth Pope Ottawa
600 - 251 Bank Street
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1X3

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