Advocate Daily Article - Kenneth C. Pope Law

The Ultimate Guide to the Disability Tax Credit

Have you or your child been denied the Disability Tax Credit (DTC)? Were you discouraged from applying? Or did you try to apply but get lost in the process? If…

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All About Everything – Children with Disabilities

What is the issue? Families with children with disabilities or special needs may not always understand the full range of estate-planning options available to them. What does it mean for…

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Adult Guardianship: How to Plan for the Future Care and Finances of Your Child with a Disability

As your child with a disability approaches the age of 18 and transitions into adulthood, you may no longer be able to make legally binding decisions on their behalf. Adults…

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Everything that You Need to Know About Henson Trusts

Henson trusts are a way that family members can provide for relatives with disabilities or special needs while protecting their inheritance and preserving eligibility for government benefits. That said, the…

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Pope’s practice dedicated to families of children with special needs

Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope works within a narrow niche, but he says there are many more people in Ontario he can help. Pope, principal of Kenneth C. Pope Law,…

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Navigating the maze of estate planning options for special needs child

When planning for the future of a financially dependent child, choosing the option that will provide them with the most money is not always easy or straightforward, Ottawa special needs…

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Legal advice key when planning for children with special needs

With proper planning, the parents of a child with special needs can provide them with a secure future, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope tells Pope, principal of Kenneth C. Pope Law,…

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Disability tax credit application system flawed: Pope

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is arbitrarily turning down applications for families seeking the Disability Tax Credit for their children, says Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope. The onerous…

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Preferred beneficiary versus qualifying disability trust elections

Electing to make a testamentary trust a qualifying disability trust (QDT) is not always the best option for beneficiaries with special needs, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope tells Pope,…

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Pope to host webinars on disability estate planning

Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope is hosting webinars where he discusses special needs and disability estate planning. Pope, principal of Kenneth C. Pope Law, also reviews changes Ontario’s Disability Support…

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Are you eligible for the disability tax credit?

Canadians who qualify for the disability tax credit, but haven’t applied for it may be eligible to recover up to $16,000 in back credits, says Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth…

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Personal injury settlements and ODSP benefits

Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope says before signing off on the terms of settlement, plaintiff personal injury lawyers should ensure their clients won’t be disqualified from receiving Ontario…

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Henson Trusts: an estate-planning tool for all

Although Henson Trusts were originally designed to protect the inheritance of children with special needs, they can also be an effective estate planning tool for other families, says Ottawa disabilities…

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Lifetime benefit trusts protect RRSPs for children with special needs

Financial planning for the future needs of a child with special needs is a challenging responsibility, but starting early can give parents peace of mind, says Ottawa disabilities and estate…

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Why do I get $896 and he gets $1,169?

Adult children with disabilities living at home often don’t get the maximum disability allowance possible despite repeated requests for more than the basic $896 room and board allowance, says Ottawa…

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Careful planning critical for bequests to dependent child

Financial planning for a child deemed incompetent is needed to ensure a smooth transition and inheritance through succession law, says Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope. It’s a layered…

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Co-ordinate payments from RDSPs and Henson Trusts

Disbursements from Henson Trusts and Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSP) can be co-ordinated to provide for children with special needs, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope tells Pope, principal of Kenneth…

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Letters of wishes for Henson Trusts

Letters of wishes offer guidance to Henson trustees on how the money should be used for the betterment of a child with disabilities, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope tells….

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Minimum wage negatively impacts those with special needs: Pope

The province should adopt special provisions exempting employers from paying the minimum wage to workers with special needs, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope tells The objective for people with…

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Pope to discuss estate planning for children with special needs

Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope will host a webinar and Q&A session discussing estate planning for people with disabilities as well as provincial and federal benefits. Pope, principal of Kenneth…

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Legal guardianship and RDSPs: a primer

In the first installment of a two-part series, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Ken Pope looks at the critical reasons parents of non-competent children should consider legal guardianship. Parents of…

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Guardianship enables parents to legally remain in caretaking role

In the final instalment of a two-part series, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Ken Pope explains the process of applying for legal guardianship. When a non-competent child turns 18,…

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Managing the transition from ODSP to OAS/GIS for those with disabilities

People with disabilities may need help negotiating the tricky transition from the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) to old age benefits after age 65, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth…

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Intestacy risky for parents of children with disabilities

Parents of children with disabilities have a greater incentive than most to prepare a will before they die, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope tells Pope, principal of Kenneth C. Pope…

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Probate avoidance and split wills: Pope

It’s vital that testators hire a lawyer when attempting to avoid probate fees, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope tells Pope, principal of Kenneth C. Pope Law, explains that the fees,…

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Supreme Court of Canada Finally Resolves Henson Trust Questions

In its recent ruling, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) finally settled that the assets held in a Henson trust do not belong to the person receiving provincial disability benefits and…

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Protecting social benefits for children with disabilities

Caring for a child with a disability is more than a lifelong commitment, and parents can ensure their loved ones are supported even after their passing with the right preparations,…

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Tax talk: caregiver credits

Families of people with special needs have an underused tool at their disposal that can help save them money every year, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope tells Thanks to…

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Henson Trusts have ancient roots

While Henson Trusts are approaching their 30th birthday in Canada, their roots can be traced back centuries, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope tells Pope, principal of Kenneth C. Pope Law, says…

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Experience key for Henson Trust lawyers

Experience is the key attribute families should look for when seeking help to set up a Henson Trust, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope tells The trusts, which were originally…

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Digital asset planning a must in modern estates

As a person’s digital assets become increasingly complex, it’s important to include updated estate instructions around them, particularly if a child with special needs is involved, says Ottawa disabilities and…

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Funding Henson trusts with life insurance

Parents often worry about how their children with disabilities will be taken care of after they’re gone, but there are options that aren’t always so obvious, Ottawa disabilities and estate…

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Inter vivos shelter trust best for adult child with special needs

Many individuals who opt to buy a home for an adult child with special needs may choose to put the property in his or her name, but the use of…

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Ontarians with disabilities to benefit from exemption limit change

A number of recent changes that increase the exemption limits for those who receive funding from the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) will mean more money for Ontarians with disabilities…

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Legal guardianships vital for people with disabilities

The life expectancy for children with cognitive disabilities is growing, and this has serious financial and legal implications for their families as their parents age and die, says Ottawa disabilities…

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Pope to host webinar on supported living alternatives

Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope will host a webinar and Q&A session discussing various profit and not-for-profit supported living alternatives. Pope, principal of Kenneth C. Pope Law, will be joined…

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Don’t miss out on caregiver tax credits: Pope

Families caring for a relative with a disability frequently miss out on tax credits because they don’t know about them, or aren’t aware that there have been changes in eligibility,…

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Pope’s webinar explores supporting people with mental illness

Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope will host a webinar and Q&A session discussing how to best support your loved one with disabilities or mental illness. Click here for more information or…

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Creating a will crucial for parents of child with disability

Many people avoid making a will not solely due to procrastination but from a morbid aversion that, in doing so, there’s a sense they’re one step closer to acknowledging their…

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Supreme Court settles Henson Trust issue, Pope says

A Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decision in the Henson Trust issue is “a big win” for people with disabilities, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope tells In its Jan….

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Henson trust advantages extend to families without special needs

Although some lawyers may know that Henson trusts are useful for families with members who have disabilities, many may not realize that there are other uses for these trusts for…

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Co-ordinate payments from RDSPs and Henson Trusts

Disbursements from Henson Trusts and Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSP) can be co-ordinated to provide for children with special needs, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope tells Pope, principal of Kenneth…

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Supreme Court Settles Henson Trust Debate

A Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decision in the Henson Trust issue is “a big win” for people with disabilities, Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope tells In its Jan….

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Henson Trust

Can a person with disabilities be their own trustee for a Henson Trust? Yes, a person can be their own trustee for a Henson Trust, if this is a wise…

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Changes to taxation of trusts won’t affect power of Henson trusts

Recent changes to the taxation of testamentary trusts have caused some concern on the part of my clients. I have reassured them that the changes will have no effect on…

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Improving the Medical Review Process for ODSP clients

Medical review dates are assigned to about 36% of ODSP cases to those who have disabilities that may improve over time.  In March 2016 the ministry began working on a new…

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Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Benefit Increase

How to Increase your Ontario Disability Support Program Benefits (ODSP) If you have a loved one who lives at home with special needs, they most likely will be in receipt…

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What’s New? Disabilities, Henson Trusts, RDSPs, Dependent Survivor Pensions.

It has been a few years now since I did my last webcast seminar, and my on site presentations have been at the invitation of organizations such as Co-operator’s Insurance, Community Brain…

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Planning for Families with Special Needs eBook


Complimentary ODSP Benefits Review



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