Guardianship Landing Page OLD

Guardianship Landing Page OLD - Kenneth C. Pope Law
Call today for your free consultation.
Serving clients in Ottawa, Ontario and across Canada

Protect The Future Of Your Loved Ones With Disabilities By Obtaining Legal Guardianship

Adult Guardianship & Substitute Decision Making Specialists

Since 1980, Ken Pope has been helping families gain peace of mind by providing extensive estate-planning strategies for the future. If your loved one has disabilities or special needs, trust us to help provide long-term protection.


Ken Pope has an in-depth understanding of Adult Guardianships, as well as other substitute decision making options.


He regularly assists clients across Canada by phone, email and video conferencing.


Ken provides extensive long-term disabilities and estate planning services and is passionately committed to fighting for his clients’ rights to disability or special needs benefits, tax credits, and savings plans.

Protect Your Family’s Future. Call Now.

Trusted expert guidance regarding adult Guardianship, wills & trusts, ODSP, and disability tax credits and benefits.

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Trust A Specialist To Protect Your Family

Parenting A Child With A Special Needs? We Can Help.

Ken Pope is one of Ontario’s most experienced lawyers helping families who have a member with a special need. With Henson Trusts – a crucial tool that benefits families with special needs members – he provides guidance and support, when it comes to planning for the future.

Since 1980, Ken Pope has been helping people when they need it the most by:

  • Back-filing taxes – to recapture any disability tax credits or adjustments owed to your family
  • Protecting against the loss of ODSP owed to children, regardless of inheritance, with Henson Trusts or Lifetime Disability Trusts
  • Minimizing taxes payable – on the beneficiary’s income from inheritances through Henson Trusts, Lifetime Benefits Trusts or Intervivos Trusts.
Call 866-536-7673 for a free consultation

An Experienced Leader In Special Needs Estate Planning

Ken Pope specializes in helping families plan ahead. By protecting assets and ensuring proper administration, he advises clients on how a Henson Trusts helps provide continued care, quality of life, and support for your child and peace of mind for you.
Call Us For A Free Consultation
Plan For The Future Today

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