M.P Greene – Kinburn, ON

M.P Greene – Kinburn, ON - Kenneth C. Pope Law

When our original application for ODSP for our son was denied, a friend recommended we speak to Ken Pope. We were able to get an appointment within a week. At our first meeting I knew we had made the right choice. The ODSP application process is complex and although our son did meet the criteria we had not presented our case clearly enough. Ken Pope and his support staff guided us through the process, submitted our completed forms, and tracked the status of our application.  Through out the waiting period we were kept informed; there was so little stress and so much hope.  The services were much more than the ODSP application. We received information on estate planning, establishing trust funds, tax credits, and the Registered Disability Savings Plan.

No parent looks forward to having their child on a disability program but when the need arises it is important to be treated with compassion, understanding, and respect. That is exactly what we experienced with Ken Pope and his wonderful team.

Complimentary ODSP Benefits Review



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